Friday, April 29, 2011

WIP's - April 2011

Currently I'm working hard on a 3D related project for University (Uni being one of a collection of things taking up the majority of my free time at the moment).
Anyone whos used UDK before will have instant familiarity with the screenshot below:

This is the very early 'blocking' out of a UDK game level which is the focal point for the overall assignment. Its coming together slowly, as this is my first time using UDK, but I hope to have a decent amount of work done early next week. Will be interesting if anyone can recognize what building it is and where its from. Key word here is 'Ludas'.

Consequently the logo sting I put up on youtube a few weeks ago is also related to this project:

More about this project soon.

Another project I'm hoping to finish soon - A Blender one I started in January, hoping to have finished it before the Uni semester began, but unfortunately (or fortunately) I got a bit out of control with the node-setup for the render and then Uni went back and I haven't really touched it since.
It was good practice with nodes at least - and much needed practice since Id hardly touched them in the past but had been meaning too at some stage.
Id say 95% of the node setup is complete, still a few things to tweak and tune, but overall that part is finished, all thats left is to animate the character and render it all out and compose the final clip together. Ill get to it again soon I hope, because it leads onto other projects I wont let myself start yet (trying at the moment to finish some projects before I move onto others)
Its looking pretty good at the moment however, nice lens flares, blurs, all kinds of lens effects, a functioning HUD just for the hell of it, plus a whole heap of render layers interwoven in crazy mind-cramping ways, and even some bubbles which refract the environment and character behind them (one hell of a pain to composite using nodes as I found out)

To finish this post off here's a teaser pic of the node setup -

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